About Us

Bed Advice is brought to you by the National Bed Federation, the recognised trade association representing UK manufacturers of beds and their suppliers.

We understand how confusing it can be when you’re thinking of buying a new bed or mattress.

There’s so much choice, so where do
you start?

About Bed Advice UK
National Bed Federation
Buying a new bed

Buying a new bed?

Our Bed Buyers’ Guide is your step-by-step aid to help you on your bed buying journey. The eight-part guide starts with identifying the telltale signs that your existing bed might be past its best and goes on to explain the different types of bed products available.

We share practical steps to follow when buying your bed and important info on how to care for your bed to ensure it lasts as long as it should.

See our list of useful contacts if you have specific medical concerns around your sleep and check out our most frequently asked questions (FAQs) on all things beds and beyond

What we Do and Don’t Do

What Bed Advice do

We Do…

Provide professional, unbiased and generic advice on everything you need to know about beds and mattresses to help you navigate through your bed-buying journey. We have no allegiance to any specific type of product, any one brand or any particular bed retailer.

What Bed Advice don't do

We Don’t…

Provide a complaint resolution service or inspections if you have a dispute with your bed retailer, even if your bed was manufactured by a National Bed Federation member. However, we can advise you on what next steps are available to you and provide you with relevant contact details.

Bed Buyers's Guide


Get advice and help to find your perfect bed and a great night’s sleep.

NBF approved tick


Buy with confidence, knowing that what you’re buying is SAFE, CLEAN and HONEST.

Find a bed retailer


Retailers who support our aims and predominantly stock beds and mattresses made by our members

So how can you be sure that you are going to buy a mattress that is everything it says it is?

Simple: buy a product made by an Approved NBF Member