How Often Should You Change Your Mattress
You can’t remember when you bought it
Unsure when to change your mattress? All mattresses have a natural life span, which varies by manufacturer, mattress type, how you use it and how heavy you are. No mattress is designed to last forever. Inferior products don’t last as long, but even a premium-quality mattress will eventually need replacing. If it’s no longer providing the comfort and support it once did, this is likely a tell-tale sign to replace it.
Wear and tear
If your mattress is sagging or lumpy, has excessive body-shaped indentations, or you can feel the coils through the fabric, these are signs that it’s time for a new one. Most mattress materials can be susceptible to this. Fibre and foam break down over time, and springs can break down and sag. Springs that squeak when you move are a sign that coils are worn and no longer provide sufficient support. Would you be embarrassed if your neighbours saw it without the covers?
Is your mattress uncomfortable?
Waking up sore and stiff suggests that your body is no longer being supported properly by your mattress, particularly if your stiffness subsides after you get up and move around. It is very easy to become accustomed to how uncomfortable your mattress is. Do you notice that you sleep better in a hotel bed for example? If your mattress isn’t comfortable enough to sleep well, it’s probably time to replace it.
Allergies have worsened
Mattresses can be a major source of dust mites and allergens. Vacuuming and regular airing of your mattress can ease your symptoms. But, if this doesn’t help, a new mattress may be the answer.
Partner is keeping you awake
A worn mattress may mean you become more aware of your partner tossing and turning, as the ability of the mattress to reduce motion transfer is lessened. You might notice you or your partner has started to roll towards the middle too – another sign the mattress is coming to the end of its lifespan.
You are putting more weight on the mattress
Whether piling on the pounds or getting a new partner, if your mattress needs to support more weight than it used to, it may no longer be capable of meeting the extra demand. Pay particular attention to this with children’s mattresses as they grow.
A bed with the correct support, comfort and space will ensure you wake less, move about less, are less disturbed by your partner and are less likely to wake up feeling tired or aching.
If you’re in the market for a new mattress then take a look at our Bed Buyers’ Guide on the website. There are plenty of tips on what to look for as well as help on the different types of mattresses out there.