Noise in the Bedroom
Bedroom Environment
Silence is golden
Most people generally need a quiet bedroom to sleep well. Internal or external noise or sound that disrupts your sleep can come from people, TVs, animals, music and traffic etc.
How does noise affect your sleep?
It goes without saying that loud, sudden or repetitive noises can interrupt sleep – this leaves us feeling less refreshed in the morning.
Noise tends to be most disruptive in the lighter stages of sleep e.g. when you start to drop of and certain times in the middle of the night. But noise that awakens us in our deepest sleep does the most damage.
A study published by Noise and Health Journal found that noise-interrupted sleep can limit our motor skills, our creativity, impair our judgment, and even make it difficult to remember things. Another review in the journal suggests there’s a link between night-time environmental noise exposure and cardiovascular disease.
According to a study in Sleep Science there are additional biological consequences of noise pollution. These include an increase in your body’s production of adrenaline, a faster heart rate, and even the potential for an increased risk of diabetes, depression, and hyperactivity.
Is sleeping with noise bad for you?
While certain noises cause interrupted sleep, soft, steady sounds can be soothing and can have a positive effect on sleep. Some people have found that ‘white noise’ or ‘pink noise’ can cancel out disruptive noise but also help them fall asleep and sleep more soundly – much like Wayne Rooney, who favours the sound of a vacuum cleaner or hairdryer to help him drift off!
How do I block out noise in my sleep?
One of the best ways to combat this is with double glazing, as it muffles sounds from outside. You can also use earplugs to counter noise pollution, which is particularly effective in the warmer months when you may leave a window open.
If you live in a busy household with hard floors, it may be worth adding super soft rugs or even swapping to carpet to help absorb sound.