Being Uncomfortable In Bed Disturbs Your Sleep

Feb 12, 2021 | Sleep & Wellbeing

Being uncomfortable in bed is one of the main factor in disturbing sleep.

Many of us cite our bed as the main reason we don’t sleep well. Noise and light are also factors as is excessive screen time.

We know that creating – and maintaining – the perfect bedroom environment plays an essential part in achieving a good night’s kip. But the good thing is all these disturbances can be overturned.

Don’t let an uncomfortable bed rob you of vital, restful sleep. If you’ve had your mattress for more than seven years now’s the time to replace it as it’s probably not offering you the same comfort and support. Because a bed wears out very gradually, people often fail to notice it is no longer supportive – it’s only when they sleep on a nice new comfortable one that they realise what they’ve been missing.

Here’s how to create that all-important perfect sleep environment:

  • Just the right temperature – between 16 and 18 degrees centigrade. Feeling too hot or too cold in the night can lead to restless sleep and wakefulness.
  • Kept dark. Light is a common sleep ‘robber’ so investing in a good pair of well lined curtains which keep the light out and the room dark can be really helpful.
  • Free from distractions. So lose the laptop, the mobile, the computer games, the television and anything else that is likely to distract from the serious business of sleep!
  • Quiet. Loud, sudden or repetitive noises interrupt sleep. One of the best ways to combat this is with double glazing. You can also use foam ear plugs.
  • Comfortable. And central to comfortable is a good supportive bed – the bigger the better (for less partner disturbance) and as good as the budget can stretch to; we spend a third of our life in bed so why compromise on the cost of a good night’s sleep?
  • Relaxing. The bedroom should be a sanctuary – keep clutter out of the bedroom and use a calming colour scheme that promotes a more relaxing environment.

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