Things You Should Do with Your Extra Hour as the Clocks Go Back

Oct 26, 2021 | Sleep & Wellbeing

National Sleep In Day on Sunday 31st October marks the clocks going back one hour as BST ends and GMT begins.

Having a lie-in is the obvious answer to making the most of our extra precious hour; making your favourite drink, grabbing a book, or just cosying up and enjoying the moment.

But, if you want to be productive, here are 5 alternative ways to make the most of your time before enjoying the rest of your Saturday:

  • Change your bedsheets – strip your bed and put on clean bedding, even if it’s not laundry day! There is no better feeling than sliding into fresh cotton sheets, so treat yourself!
  • Check your bed is up to scratch – the average mattress lifespan is about 7-8 years – is yours still comfortable and supportive? If you’re waking up feeling achy, noticing lumps or sleeping better in a different bed, it might be time to replace it. Read more tips in our Bed Buyers’ Guide.
  • Wash your pillows – did you know an old unwashed pillow could contain as much as 10% of its weight in skin scale mould, dead and living dust mites and their allergen laden droppings? Strip off their pillowcases and pop everything into the washing machine! Read more advice on pillow care.
  • Now is the ideal time to dig out those winter knits and blankets from storage and give them a good air before winter sets in.
  • Make the most of the (brief!) lighter mornings again and go for a walk in the fresh air. It’s well known that people who exercise regularly tend to sleep better.

Are you Team Lie-in or Team Productive? We won’t judge either way!


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