Why You Should Make Your Bed in the Morning

Jul 26, 2019 | Sleep & Wellbeing

Making a bed falls into two camps – those who do and those who don’t!

Why should you make your bed?

With some believing it’s an unnecessary chore (after all what’s the point of making it when you mess it up again later!), others firmly believe it sets the tone of your day.

Naval Admiral McRaven, ninth commander of U.S. Special Operations Command said: “If you want to make a difference in the world, start by making your bed…If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right.”

Making your bed can have a positive impact. It’s the first task of the day that has been accomplished and it can spur you on to complete more tasks. It can also be therapeutic for some as making the bed puts them in the right frame of mind for the rest of the day.

Other reasons you should make your bed every morning are:

  • It makes the room less cluttered and untidy: You may think it doesn’t matter as no one is going to see it, but it’s nicer to look at a neat and ordered bed. Plus a tidy bed encourages you to keep the rest of the bedroom organised which makes for a tidy mind!
  • It’s a more calming environment when it comes to bedtime: When it’s time to head for bed, a neat bed provides a more relaxing and welcoming space. Plus getting into a well-made bed feels nice and can lift your mood.
  • Creating a routine: The act of making your bed every morning becomes part of a routine – and most of us thrive on routine. Plus the more you do it, the quicker it gets!

Remember – don’t make your bed straight away. Throw back your covers and let the mattress and bed linen air to help prevent dust mites – who love warm, moist environments!


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