During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a rise in fraudsters taking advantage of shoppers, and unfortunately, rogue traders continue to operate across the country. This International Fraud Awareness Week (15 -21 November), we're sharing our top tips to...
Is it time for a Bed M.O.T?
A good bed regularly replaced can make a big difference to how well we sleep, but if you’re not sure whether you do need a new bed or not, try our simple Bed MOT (Mattress Obsolescence Test!) today. With normal wear and tear a bed should last around seven years – but...
Is It Time You Had A New Mattress?
Many people make the link that lack of sleep affects how they feel the next day but many fail to recognise that their sleep could be improved by a new mattress. A bed with the correct support, comfort and space will ensure you wake less, move about less, are less...
Be Wary Of Mattress Scams
This week International Fraud Awareness Week (November 15 – 21) gets underway and we’re warning shoppers to be wary of mattress scams and ‘COVID cons’. This is when rogue traders sell beds online or from the back of a van. This strong message comes amid rising concern...
Can One Mattress Really Be Suitable For Everyone?
A couple of years ago you couldn’t read a newspaper or magazine or scroll through social media channels without seeing them. They were everywhere – even in some of the biggest furniture and bed retailers’ stores around the country. Yes, we’re talking about the...
The art of a good mattress afterlife
With the level of fly tipped mattresses in England now said to equal the height of 19 Empire State buildings* just what can householders do to ensure they dispose of old mattresses responsibly? According to the National Bed Federation (NBF), which represents the UK...
March is National Bed Month – Developments in Mattresses
Our annual campaign - National Bed Month - that raises the awareness of the importance a good bed plays as part of a healthy lifestyle starts this Sunday. If you are one of the third of the population who hasn’t bought a bed for seven years or more, it’s time you...
Watch Out For Rogue Bed Traders
Don’t fall foul of rogue traders when buying beds online or from the back of a van is our message this Fraud Awareness Week (17 -23 November). While the vast majority of UK bed manufacturers produce safe, compliant and “as described” products, there are dodgy dealers...
Recycling Your Mattress
Recycling is a hot topic and over the past few years it has become part of our everyday life. We separate our rubbish into the relevant bins, we are swapping plastic shampoo bottles for shampoo bars or own bottle refills and packaging is slowly going from the...
More Mattress Myths
One mattress can be ideal for almost everyone. There’s now a plethora of sexy online mattress brands, mostly with short trendy names, all claiming that their product has been expertly designed to offer the perfect combination of comfort and support for everyone. If...
Myths About Mattress Buying
Buying a new mattress can be a confusing, frustrating experience. Firstly, it’s not something you do very often – like buying a can of beans or a family holiday. On average, people only buy three of four mattresses for themselves in a lifetime. You may be a highly...
Mattresses Top Poll of Most Regretted Purchases
In a recent poll of 2,490 people carried out by home interiors specialists Hillarys to discover what household product consumers most regretted buying, 29% of respondents said it was their mattress. The top five most regretted purchases were: Mattress 29% Sofa 25%...