Beds of the future

Jun 25, 2019 | Beds & Accessories

You may not give it much thought but the beds we sleep on today are a far cry from the primitive beds used thousands of years ago. While the basics — a cushioned spot to rest and stay warm through the night – have remained the same throughout history, the details of what constitutes a bed have changed quite a bit through the ages. But what does the future bedroom look like and what will beds be like in another ten years, 20 years, 30 years or more?

There may be a day when the run-of-the-mill bed is capable of self-adjusting firmness automatically, depending on who is occupying it at any given time – adjusting its support to keep the user’s spine in perfect alignment, recognising the user’s sleeping position, their weight and pressure points.
It may also have the ability to adjust the temperature, the lighting and even sounds for the most relaxing sleep possible. It could automatically wake you through a system of gentle vibrating or rocking motions with the gradual introduction of light, simulating sunrise.

It may have customisable comfort zones with individual heat and air conditioning on both sides (like a car). It could be self-cleaning, self-airing and bacteria resistant. And maybe self-rotating or self-turning? As space becomes even more of a premium, it could be designed to float up to the ceiling when not in use, making the room multi-functional. And with the development of virtual reality, who’s to say you won’t be able to choose your sleeping environment to suit your moods – choosing to sleep under the stars, beside the ocean, deep in the forest or the Sahara desert – with not just the visual elements but the sounds and the smells!

The beds we sleep in 30 years from now could look more like something out of the world of science fiction than the traditional beds we have come to know and love.

All we ask is that the technology helps us sleep better. Otherwise, there’s really no point!

1 Comment
  1. Carmen Molina

    The other night I had this dream like I was visiting this woman that I do not know. I found myself in what kind of look like a huge living room, with a couple of sofas. What called my atention was a sort of structure that was above the furniture, and got almost close to the ceiling. This vast structure was suported by some kind of metalic legs. It was a square shape made of some sort of cushiony fabric. The borders where made as to prevet from falling. I was told in the dream that this was known as a “family bed.” The lady in the dream told me that at bed time everyone would go up there and find a favorite spot to fall asleep on. Because the area was dso big, everyone would have privacy. Whatever!!! It was a dream, but I found it amussing. Thought I share eith you.😄🥰♥️


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