Invest In Your Bed This Sleeptember

Sep 7, 2020 | Beds & Accessories

This month our friends over at The Sleep Council and The Sleep Charity are launching their annual awareness campaign, Sleeptember.

Running throughout September, it is a month dedicated to highlight the healthy benefits of a good night’s sleep and how to achieve it.

And we know that a good bed is the foundation of a good night’s sleep, yet many people underestimate the important part it plays in getting a good night’s kip. So, this Sleeptember why not take the time to assess your mattress and see if it’s up to scratch?

Do mattresses help you sleep better?

A comfortable, supportive bed will ensure you move less, wake less, aren’t disturbed by your partner as much and are less likely to wake up feeling tired or aching. In fact, research shows that sleeping on an uncomfortable bed could deprive you of up to an hour’s sleep a night.

How often should you buy a new mattress?

Aim to replace your mattress around the 7-8 year mark. If you’re unsure whether your bed is past its best, then look out for the signs such as its age, has it become noisy, do you and your partner roll towards each other unintentionally, is it sagging or even lumpy? Use the Bed MOT here. Most people tend to buy a new bed when the one they have is completely worn out or are waking with aches and pains – that’s too late! By this point, your sleep will already be suffering.

We know that mattress shopping can be often be an overwhelming experience – from the number of different options available to not actually knowing what you need in the first place. Our handy bed buyers guide can help you.

Is it worth investing in a good mattress?

You should spend as much as you can afford on a new bed – it’s probably one of the most important investments you’ll make, not just for your home but also for your own wellbeing! Remember, you’re going to spend around 20,000 hours on your bed during a typical seven-year lifespan so it’s worth taking a little time and effort in the beginning to make sure you make the right choice.

Equally make sure you look for the NBF mark of approval to be sure you’re buying a safe, clean and honest product from a reputable manufacturer.

Sleeptember – there’s never been a better time to invest in your sleep and your bed.


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