Is it time to buy a new bed this National Bed Month?

Mar 18, 2019 | Beds & Accessories

Guest Blog by The Sleep Council

Our annual awareness event, National Bed Month, is the ideal month to think about the importance a good, comfortable, properly supportive bed and the part it plays in achieving a good night’s sleep.
You could be doing all the right things when it comes to sleep – eating the right foods, limiting your alcohol and caffeine intake and exercising regularly. You may also be following sound advice and switching off your screens an hour before and winding down properly. Hopefully you’ll even be sleeping in a cool, quiet and dark bedroom.
You could be practising all these things daily, but if you’re sleeping on an old, unsupportive and unhealthy bed you STILL won’t get a refreshing night’s sleep. Interestingly, only 22% of people surveyed in the our Great British Bedtime Report 2017 thought that a new bed would improve their sleep. And yet our research a few years back found that when replacing an uncomfortable bed, a new bed was associated with an increase of 42 minutes sleep.
Don’t underplay the importance of a bed in getting a good night’s kip. A comfortable, supportive bed will ensure you move less, wake less, aren’t disturbed by your partner as much and are less likely to wake up feeling tired or aching.

Watch the NBF’s video…

If you’re unsure whether your bed is past its best, then look out for the signs such as its age, has it become noisy, do you and your partner roll towards each other unintentionally, is it sagging or even lumpy? You can take the Bed MOT here for more guidance.
Equally make sure you look for the NBF ‘big tick’ mark of approval to be sure you’re buying a safe, clean and honest product from a reputable manufacturer.
National Bed Month – there’s never been a better time to buy a new bed.


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